Relax, Renew and Refresh

A day at the spa was precisely what I needed. Due to the Covid-pandemic, I haven’t taken a vacation. I was craving for some “R&R”days, Rest and Relax moments. Doing so, on the island can be challenging, as you get taken back into your routine easily.

A friend of mine was in the same jam as me, so we booked a day-pass at the spa, on the opposite side of the island. With a 30-minute drive to the spa, at an off-road area, the spa was located next to a beach. It felt as though, being at a different place all together.

When we reached the spa, we were offered a menu, from which we could we choose 4 services. We chose a (1) 15-minute shoulder/neck massage, (2) 15-minute hand massage, (3) lip scrub treatment and (4) body scrub session. Each service placed us more and more into a Zen-mode.

The premises included a steam room, sauna, ice-room, Jacuzzi and pool; we relaxed in each and every one of them!

Just before heading home, we still had a body-scrub session pending. We were offered 3 types of body scrubs, which we could use in their water-fall shower. We left clean and completely relaxed!

The ultimate Zen-escapade 🙂