About me


Welcome to my blog

In my early 20’s I discovered I had multiple food intolerances (Thank You genes L). These intolerances minimized my food options, though luckily, many people have food-allergies nowadays. This leads the path to discovering alternatives on the market that can increase flavor in your life.

At the end of the day, your body craves a well-balanced healthy meal. Being that I’m quite active, fitness on a daily basis, I try to get as much nutrients and vitamins from my food-intake.

My main three intolerances are: yeast, lactose and gluten.

Yeast-intolerance is a difficult one, as it’s not very common on the island. Many foods contain yeast, such as bread, sugary fruits (grapes, cherries, bananas, watermelon etc), pre-packed foods, sugar-rich foods (these contain double-sugars, also known as “disaccharide”, such as sucralose, fructose, dextrose, maltose…), to name a few.

The impact of my intolerances led the path to “discover” the kitchen!

Through this journey, a passion for baking woke up inside me. That’s when my weekends turned into glorious chill-and-unwind-in-the-kitchen days. It is in the weekends, that I explore different types of ingredients and/or recipes.

With this blog, I’ll share recipes focused on my intolerances, as well as “non-intolerance” recipes. And to make things a bit more fun, you’ll find inspiration for nail designs and some fun-in-the-sun activities as well. J


2 thoughts on “About me

  1. Oh, I’m so sorry you have to deal with such a severe allergy, its great to have a blog to let out all your feelings to supportive people! If you have time could you check out my blog and maybe leave a comment? Thankyouuu<3

    1. I’ve learned to live with it. Plus now I’m in the stage of re-introducing fruit (with low fructose) back in my diet, once a week a piece of fruit. Till now it goes quite well!!

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